HARDI Publications

(HARDI is high-angular resolution diffusion imaging)

    Journal Articles

  1. Haro G, Lenglet C, Sapiro G, Thompson PM (2008). On the Non-Uniform Complexity of Brain Connectivity, ISBI 2008, in press; [.pdf, 1.7MB]; also IMA Tech Report.

    This paper presents a stratification and manifold learning method for studying the non-uniform complexity of brain connectivity. It shows HARDI data can be understood as unions of manifolds of different complexity and density.

  2. Lenglet C, Campbell JSW, Descoteaux M, Haro G, Savadjiev P, Wassermann D, Anwander A, Deriche R, Pike GB, Sapiro G, Siddiqi K, Thompson PM (2008). Mathematical Methods for Diffusion MRI Processing, NeuroImage, Special Issue on Mathematics in Brain Imaging, ed. Thompson PM, Miller MI, Poldrack R, Nichols T, Taylor J, Worsley KJ, Ratnanather T, in press, Sept. 11 2008.

    This is a tutorial on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Images below are visualized using the Odyssee Toolbox for Diffusion MRI, obtainable from Maxime Descoteaux.

  3. Chiang MC, Leow AD, Dutton RA, Barysheva M, Rose S, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Toga AW, Thompson PM (2008). Fluid Registration of Diffusion Tensor Images Using Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, in press, Feb. 2008. [.pdf, 6.7MB]

    This paper shows how to align brain DTI data across subjects with a 3D fluid transformation, optimizing a measure based on information theory (*visualizations below rendered by David Shattuck).

  4. Chiang MC, Barysheva M, Lee AD, Madsen SK, Klunder AD, Toga AW, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Meredith M, Wright MJ, Srivastava A, Balov N, Thompson PM (2008). Mapping Genetic Influences on Brain Fiber Architecture with High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI), ISBI 2008, in press, Feb. 2008. [.pdf, 1.2MB]

    A population study of HARDI in 90 subjects, using a twin design to reveal genetic influences on brain fiber pathways.

  5. Lee AD, Lepore N, Lepore F, Alary F, Voss P, Chou YY, Brun C, Barysheva M, Toga AW, Thompson PM (2007). Brain Differences Visualized in the Blind using Tensor Manifold Statistics and Diffusion Tensor Imaging, FBIT 2007. [.pdf, 1.0MB]

  6. Lee AD, Lepore N, Barysheva M, Chou YY, Brun CA, Madsen SK, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Meredith M, Wright MJ, Toga AW, Thompson PM (2008). Comparison of Fractional and Geodesic Anisotropy in Diffusion Tensor Images of 90 Monzygotic and Dizygotic Twins, ISBI 2008, in press. [.pdf, 1.8KB]

  7. Leow AD, Zhu S, de Zubicaray GI, Meredith M, Wright M, Thompson PM (2008). The Tensor Distribution Function, ISBI 2008, in press. [.pdf, 248KB]

    A new and original approach to the ODF reconstruction problem in HARDI.

  8. Leow AD, Zhu S, Zhan L, de Zubicaray GI, Meredith M, Wright M, Toga AW, Thompson PM (2008). The Tensor Distribution Function, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Oct. 2008, in press.


  9. Haro G, Lenglet C, Sapiro G, Thompson PM (2008). Stratification and Complexity of Brain Connectivity, 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia, June 15-19, 2008. [.pdf, 1.5MB]

  10. Zhan L, Chiang MC, Barysheva M, Toga AW, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Meredith M, Wright MJ, Thompson PM (2008). How Many Gradients are Sufficient in High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI)?, 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia, June 15-19, 2008. [.pdf, 1.6MB] [Image]

    A study of the trade-off between image quality and scanning time in HARDI.

  11. Franc D, Lenglet C, Haro G, Thompson PM, Mueller B, Sapiro G, Lim KO (2008). Uncertainty of apparent white matter fiber tract size in DTI fiber tracking and region of interest analyses: A multi-resolution study, 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia, June 15-19, 2008.

  12. Chiang MC, Barysheva M, Lee AD, Madsen SK, Klunder AD, Toga AW, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Meredith M, Wright MJ, Srivastava A, Balov N, Thompson PM (2008). Mapping Genetic Influences on Brain Fiber Architecture with High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI), 13th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia, June 15-19, 2008. [.pdf, 1.4MB]

  13. Aganj I, Lenglet C, Keriven R, Sapiro G, Harel N, Thompson PM (2009). A Hough Transform Global Approach to Diffusion MRI Tractography, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 2009.

  14. Aganj I, Lenglet C, Sapiro C, Chiang MC, Thompson PM (2009). Multi-subject Diffusion MRI Tractography via a Hough Transform Global Approach, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.

    A very efficient method to do tractography in a group of subjects.

  15. Zhan L, Leow AD, Zhu S, Chiang MC, Barysheva, M, Toga AW, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Wright MJ, Thompson PM (2009). Validating the Tensor Distribution Function for Fiber Reconstruction in HARDI (High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.

  16. Zhan L, Leow AD, Zhu S, Chiang MC, Barysheva, M, Toga AW, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Wright MJ, Thompson PM (2009). Analysis of Fiber Reconstruction Accuracy in HARDI (High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Images), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.

  17. Leow AD, Zhan L, Zhu S, Hageman N, Chiang MC, Barysheva M, Toga AW, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Wright MJ, Thompson PM (2009). Novel Measure of Fiber Integrity based on Q-Ball Imaging and the Tensor Distribution Function avoids Problems with Fractional Anisotropy Measures, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.

    We argue that the standard measure of fiber integrity in DTI, fractional anisotropy (FA), is incorrect in regions of the brain where fibers cross, and we propose a more accurate way to derive anisotropy measures from the full set of diffusion gradients.

  18. Chiang MC, Barysheva M, Lee AD, Madsen SK, Klunder AD, Toga AW, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Wright MJ, Srivastava A, Balov N, Thompson PM (2009). Mapping Genetic Influences on Brain Fiber Architecture and Intellectual Performance - A High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) Study, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.

  19. Jahanshad N, Lee AD, Lepore N, Brun CC, Barysheva M, Chou YY, Toga AW, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Wright MJ, Thompson PM (2009). Genetics of White Matter Asymmetry Mapped using Diffusion Tensor Anisotropy Measures in 100 Twins, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.

  20. Lenglet C, Jehanshad N, Haro G, Sapiro G, McMahon K, de Zubicaray GI, Wright MJ, Thompson PM (2009). Asymmetry and Population Studies of White Matter Complexity using Q-Ball Imaging, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.

  21. Lee AD, Lepore N, Lepore F, Alary F, Voss P, Chou YY, Brun CC, Barysheva M, Toga AW, Thompson PM (2009). Brain Fiber Architecture in the Blind, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.

  22. Kim Y, Thompson PM, Toga AW, Vese LA, Zhan L (2009). Minimization Models for HARDI Data Denoising, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.

  23. Hageman NS, Thompson PM, Shattuck DW, Avedissian C, Barysheva M, McMahon KL, de Zubicaray GI, Wright MJ, Toga AW (2009). Genetic Influences on White Matter Architecture in Twins: A Diffusion Tensor Tractography Study, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2009.
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