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Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, UCLA. A great site to visit to see what other research is being done at LONI. News and other information about LONI and its people can be found here.



Paul Thompson's Ph.D. page


AIR- Automatic Image Registration. A great page to visit which lists all the tools that the AIR program has as well as explanations to what they do. Has older versions of AIR as well. Roger Woods M.D.


Brainsuite. Skull stripping, registration, segmentation, 3D models are just a few things that brainsuite can do. You can learn more about its tools here. David Shattuck


FMRIB Software Library. Useful for bridging the gap between MRI and fMRI analysis. Full of tools work not only on structural image, but functional images as well. Image Analysis Group, FMRIB, Oxford, UK.


AFNI. The program to use for fMRI analysis. This page is extremely useful for finding examples of afni tools as well as a huge database for troubleshooting.


Dr. Sowell's former website written by Kevin Tessner. Though most of what is found on that webpage can be found on this one, links to previous protocol versions may be found there.


Neuroscience Ph.D. program. A useful page to find out more about UCLA's neuroscience program.